Pure World of Dance Season 1, Week 5 (Duels) – Power Rankings

So I really had to take some time to ruminate on Tuesday night’s episode, because it felt like the first time that I got suspicious of this show’s motives.  Don’t get me wrong – I still love the show, and I think the level of talent is unparalleled; and I am fully aware that this is a reality tv show, and a certain amount of manipulation is to be expected to create suspense and draw in viewers.  But some of the other night’s results made me feel a bit icky, because I felt like a few of the acts got a bit exploited in favor of propping up a judges’ favorite – I feel like Kyle kinda got the shortest end of the stick (pun intended, in light of his performance), with The Posse and Royal Flux also being treated a bit like redheaded stepchildren. Given that all three were given quite truncated spots in the qualifier rounds (with Royal Flux not even appearing on the show during those rounds), I think we already had an inkling that they weren’t long for this show – but it just felt like adding insult to injury sticking some of them in duels with powerhouses they didn’t have a hope and a prayer of beating, and then potentially editing out footage that might have helped them save a bit of face (won’t say any more, but if a routine seemed short to you – perhaps it’s because part of it was missing).

Which brings me to the picking of the duels – and let me state for the record that I still can’t say with certainty that the proverbial man behind the curtain might not be telling the acts who to pick. But c’mon – pitting the highest-scoring qualifier performance OF ALL against the second-lowest-scoring qualifier of all??? It just becomes glaringly obvious who was going to win the Les Twins vs. Kyle duel – if it was Les Twins that picked him, sorry, but that was a d*ck move on their part. If they’re so sure of themselves and such amazing dancers, then it would have made a lot more sense for them to pick someone like Fik-Shun, who is closer to both their particular style and skill level. You’re so big and bad? Take on someone that might actually be a challenge for you.  If it was the producers that opted to pit Les Twins against Kyle? Then I have to wonder just what kind of deals were made to get Les Twins on the show in the first place. Like Jabbawockeez (and to a lesser degree, Fik-Shun, Super Cr3w, D’Angelo & Amanda, and the Miami All-Stars), Les Twins were pretty well-known coming into the show – probably second only the Jabbawockeez in terms of how popular they were already. They were touring with Beyoncé, for pete’s sake. And modeling for Jean Paul Gautier. Also worth noting: they’ve appeared on the World of Dance tour. Did they really even NEED to do this show? I’m gonna go with “likely not”, and wonder if they were asked to do the show in order to draw in viewers, much in the same way that Jabbawockeez and some of the other names I mentioned would. In which case, I could see how it might behoove a brand-new show looking to get renewed to keep a popular contestant around for awhile. Yes, I might have my suspicion-glasses on from so many years of blogging DWTS and the rampant manipulation on that show – but I’m trying to make sense of something that seems ridiculously unbalanced.

Anywho – seems like they might be setting it up for a final three of Les Twins vs. Jabbawockeez or Kinjaz vs. Eva Igo or Diana Pombo. In which case, I’ll just be enjoying the rest of the acts leading up to that point, because it seems a bit anti-climactic.  Should be interesting to see how things go down next week, as there’s gonna be a lot of loose ends to tie up – from the looks of the preview, there’s gonna be a 3-way duel between some of the acts from the team division (Jabbawockeez, Ian Eastwood & the Young Lions, and a group of girls that doesn’t look familiar – I’ll give you one guess who probably ain’t winning that duel), and it looks like it’s gonna be Luka & Jenalyn vs. DNA, D’Angelo & Amanda vs. Mihacevich Sisters, Kinjaz vs. somebody, and who knows what else, given that there’s STILL other acts that were called out as contestants prior to the beginning of the season, but didn’t get shown during the qualifier round. Never a dull moment 🙂 Read more..

June 29, 2017 I Written By

Medical device sales by day, reality TV blogger by night. Makeup artist, baker, hair model, and wannabe DIY-er when time permits, and a potty-mouth 24/7. Read more of me at puredwts.com, and follow me on Twitter & Instagram: @putuincespence

Pure World of Dance Season 1, Week 4 (Duels) – Power Rankings

NOTE: Once again, apologize for the lateness – although I’m afraid this might become a regular thing for the time being.  With one team member at work on maternity leave, and the other more inclined to whittle fidget spinners out of wood (true story) than actually help me with the work load, my days at the office are…hectic.

So the first round of duels was both interesting and a bit refreshing. While I will reserve judgment on how much the contestants may have been influenced by the powers that be when picking their duel opponents, I felt like the pairings were fair for the most part, and I commend all of the competitors for being really good sports and having a lot of respect for their opponents. I also found myself agreeing with the outcome of each of these duels – I don’t think the judges got any of it wrong. Will that continue to be the pattern? Guess we’ll see.

The love affair with contemporary dancers continues, but the fact that they didn’t seem to have qualms letting Nick go (while gushing over Eva) makes me wonder if the judges might be realizing that “there can be only one” in the finals and it’s probably gonna be Eva. I actually really liked how Jenna got more heavily featured in the duel rounds – we actually got to see her in her element as a dancer, actually working with the contestants a bit, rather than just providing moral support (albeit very adorable emotional support 🙂 ) to their families backstage, like she did in the qualifier round.

So what’s on the agenda next week? Looks like the featured “duel” is Kyle Van Newkirk vs. Les Twins – a pairing that I don’t necessarily think is fair on paper, but given that they seem to be touting some “big shock” and a “David & Goliath” storyline…my guess is that Kyle ends up beating them 🙂 I feel like I saw a promo that showed more of the duel pairings, but for the life of me I cannot recall where – but it looks like D’Angelo & Amanda, Super Cr3w, The Posse, Diana Pombo, & Pasion are on the roster. I’m rooting for D’Angelo & Amanda to make it through, but it looks like they’re either gonna have to beat Diana or The Posse – both contemporary darlings much adored by the judges. Then again, I don’t know that there’s really another decent ballroom act in the junior division, so I wonder if the judges might be inclined to keep them for variety’s sake… Read more..

June 21, 2017 I Written By

Medical device sales by day, reality TV blogger by night. Makeup artist, baker, hair model, and wannabe DIY-er when time permits, and a potty-mouth 24/7. Read more of me at puredwts.com, and follow me on Twitter & Instagram: @putuincespence

Pure World of Dance Season 1, Week 3 (Qualifiers) – Power Rankings

NOTE: Apologies on the lateness of these rankings – work was a nightmare today, as I’m now down one team member due to her being on maternity leave; additionally, I found myself having to go back and rewatch some acts – there were just a crap ton on last night’s show.

Holy “wow, maybe we should have thrown more acts into the first two episodes!”, Batman – last night felt a tad frantic, as if they were trying to cram in a ton of acts after only really featuring less than ten in both of the previous weeks’ qualifiers.  And we STILL did not see all of the 45 acts on the full list of contestants – so does that mean we aren’t actually going to see some of the acts at all? Or are some of the acts coming into the battle rounds without their initial qualifier performance being shown, and they’re gonna tell us more about them in the coming weeks? I don’t really know how all of this is going to shake out, but if watching a few seasons of AGT has taught me anything, it’s that if they don’t show your initial audition on the air, and you just kinda show up in the Vegas week rounds, then your odds of advancing are probably not that great. If they don’t see fit to show you from day 1, then they likely don’t think you’re worth it. I hope I’m proven wrong in the case of World of Dance. Read more..

June 14, 2017 I Written By

Medical device sales by day, reality TV blogger by night. Makeup artist, baker, hair model, and wannabe DIY-er when time permits, and a potty-mouth 24/7. Read more of me at puredwts.com, and follow me on Twitter & Instagram: @putuincespence

Pure World of Dance Season 1, Week 2 (Qualifiers) – Power Rankings

Ok, still a great show and I’m loving it, but I did notice the judges getting a bit more real with the contestants this week – I’m thinking last week’s episode was extra honeymoon-y to draw people in and get them hooked, and then they dropped the hammer (just a tiny bit!) this week.  Judges seemed a bit pickier, and we were shown a montage of acts that didn’t make it, rather than just the one from last week’s show. But I do appreciate that the judges are unusually constructive in their criticism – they aren’t out to make audience jaws drop at their cruelty, they don’t make rambling & vague complaints with no basis in reality, and they do seem to be genuinely trying to help the acts improve. Man, DWTS really has left me jaded, if the judges on another dance show managing basic human courtesy leaves me shocked & delighted 😛

As I mentioned last week, we’re still figuring this show out and how we want to blog it – so in light of that, I switched up how I’m doing the rankings from last week: since everyone is just trying to qualify at this phase in the competition (and nobody is really competing against each other yet, per se), I may as well just rank the performances in order of how well I thought they did (and their potential to stick around), from best to worst. Once we get to the face-off round (I think that’s what they called it…or is it the “battle” round? Idk…), then I’ll start comparing the acts to other acts in their division. And just as a reminder: if you want to see Heidi’s thoughts on last night’s episode, go here; music list from last night’s show can be found here.  And my thoughts on last week’s episode are here 🙂 Read more..

June 7, 2017 I Written By

Medical device sales by day, reality TV blogger by night. Makeup artist, baker, hair model, and wannabe DIY-er when time permits, and a potty-mouth 24/7. Read more of me at puredwts.com, and follow me on Twitter & Instagram: @putuincespence

Pure World of Dance Season 1, Week 1 (Qualifiers) – Power Rankings

Well after the manipulation headache that was the most recent season of DWTS, I’m happy to say that the premiere of WOD was a nice palate cleanser last night 🙂 There was nary a whiff of manipulation to be found, and on the whole, everybody on the show – from the contestants, to the judges, to the host, to the audience – just seemed really excited to be there, and grateful for the opportunity.  My, what a difference a lack of arrogance and entitlement in the cast of dance show makes to my enjoyment! 🙂 Was also kinda nice that it was only an hour long, and we only saw seven acts in this first episode, which makes blogging a brand new show seem a bit less daunting.

That being said – bear with me (and Heidi, and Vogue) because we’re still trying to figure this show out, and how we want to approach it in our coverage.  If you have any suggestions, PLEASE – do share them, because we are quite literally making this up as we go along 😛 If there is some aspect of the show you would like us to cover, let us know – we are open to suggestions. In case you missed it, you can check out Heidi’s live blog of last night’s show here; if you’re looking for a list of music from last night’s episode, go here. We are still working on getting profiles posted for all of this season’s contestants, but you will be able to find all of them here.

Now, onto the power rankings – these are obviously going to be different than the ones I do for PureDWTS.  Since the contestants are currently only competing against other contestants within their division, it really only makes sense to rank them against the other acts in their division on a given episode. Since there were only six acts last night (that actually advanced to the next round), there were only two acts in each division – so it’s really just a matter of “which of these two acts did better?” And when I say “better”, I mean “more likely to stick around in this competition and possibly win”. So I just ranked the two acts within each division and gave my thoughts – and at the bottom of the page, I did “Court’s pick”, which was just my personal favorite from the episode, and also who I think fared the best out of all the acts on a particular episode. I also threw in the “eliminated” category to give my thoughts on any acts eliminated from last night’s show. And again – I’m totally open to suggestions if you think there’s a different way to do it that might work better. Shall we begin? 🙂 Read more..

May 31, 2017 I Written By

Medical device sales by day, reality TV blogger by night. Makeup artist, baker, hair model, and wannabe DIY-er when time permits, and a potty-mouth 24/7. Read more of me at puredwts.com, and follow me on Twitter & Instagram: @putuincespence